Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Digital Release is Today

Celebrate With Some Horrifying Behind the Scenes Footage

COVID-19, aka the Rona, aka Cyrus the Virus, aka the Coronavirus, is making waves all over the world. On top of the horrific fatality rate, multiple other industries are being changed in dramatic ways. For example, the Sonic the Hedgehog movie is getting a digital release today. This also means a whole bunch of behind the scenes footage is floating to the surface.

Embedded below is a short clip of an unfinished Baby Sonic. You might notice that his design is from before the legendary fan backlash that followed the first preview. Also is is incredibly unfinished. Gaze upon these images at your own risk, knowing your eyeballs might literally fry inside your skull like poached eggs.

In all seriousness, the clip is a fascinating example of how CGI changes between the first draft and the finished product. You start with a children’s cartoon from the late 90’s, and you end up with a modern movie. Oh, and the clip contains some teeny tiny spoilers if you’ve yet to watch the film. If you haven’t, Universal has released the movie to own for only $20 USD. Having seen it in theaters (remember those???), I can easily recommend you check it out.