Europa Universalis 4 Announces New Emperor DLC

Catholic Nations Are Getting a Boost

It might surprise you, but Paradox has announced another DLC package for Europa Universalis 4. The latest DLC pack is simply called Emporer. This new expansion is set to focus on Catholic nations, the Papal States and the Papacy system, and the Holy Roman Empire. There are still some details that have not come out yet, but from what we know now, this looks like one of the most impactful expansions to date.


The Holy Roman Empire has a special place in every history nerds heart for being a total and utter mess. Paradox has attempted to try and reflect the interpersonal squabbles and petty wars between the various states within the empire, but never really managed to hit the nail on the head. Emperor is looking to add more detail to the Electorate system within the HRE as well as grant the Holy Roman Emperor new administrative abilities. More historical events are going to take place like the Hussite Rebellion in Bohemia.

The power of the Pope is going to be expanded upon as well. Previously there was not a huge incentive to try and make one of your Cardinals the Pope. There was not a massive payoff like one might expect. However, this is supposedly going to change. The Pope will have much more power and privilege than before. Making sure your enemies donโ€™t control the Papacy is now going to be crucial.

There are also going to be 20 new and unique mission trees for various European nations. Something which should push players towards a much more historically accurate game rather than going off-script. Expect to see a much more in-depth Central Europe in terms of gameplay. This DLC will also feature a free map update as well as other tweaks and fixes.
