Drawer Simulator is an all too Relatable Experience

Soon, Everything will have a Sim

You are making food, maybe some steak or bacon or something that might need to be flipped. You go to grab some tongs or a spatula from a drawer. Itโ€™s jammed. Something has wedged itself and you are left unable to open the drawer. Now, you must unwedge it by shaking, sliding, and manuvering the drawer free. Drawer Simulator will prepare you for your next drawer disaster. This oddly specific game comes from the mind of Stephen Lavelle. Drawer Simulator is one of the latest of hundreds of games on Lavelleโ€™s website Increpare. Over 160 of them can be played in a browser, like Drawer Simulator.

Drawer Simulator

Give Drawer Simulator a quick try. Face off against a spatula, ladle, butcher knife, tongs, masher, and other various utensils. Use the arrow keys to move and shift the drawer free and dump everything in a big heap on the floor. Once you  do, the game will hit you with a message: โ€œCongratulations You did it! Gluckwunsch! Du hast es geschafft!โ€ which is either the German translation or an activation phrase for a sleeper cell. The game gives four simultaneous views of the drawer and its contents to help players maneuver the drawer. When I won, I continued to shake the drawer about and actually got it to take off into the air and fly it around, so thereโ€™s that.

Back at the end of 2014, Stephen Lavelle was named โ€œmost prolific independent game developerโ€ by Guinness World Records. For this title, he had released 178 games between 2008 and 2014. Since then, he has more than doubled his library of games. If you have a bit of time or you need to distract yourself for a few minutes, Increpare is definitely the site to head to.

What do you think of the odd Drawer Simulator? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Polygon