Dedicated Fallout 76 Player Banned for Having Too Much Ammo

He Was Just Prepared for the Apocalypse

One dedicated Fallout 76 player got hit with the ban hammer after he was found in violation of the game’s terms and service. His offense came in the form of too much ammo, and maybe something else.

Fallout 76 cheaters

According to the user, one Glorf12 on Reddit, he’s clocked in 900 hours in Fallout 76. As you can imagine, his time invested in the game gives him great insight. So, he put his knowledge to use via a thread on farming areas, Legendary loot locations, etc. Unfortunately, not long after he posted the thread, Bethesda Softworks banned him from the game and sent the following message:

The message alleges that Glorf12 violated the terms of service through an ammo exploit. The weight limit is 100,000, which damns him if the amount recorded in the message is true. The user claims that he dropped the ammo to get over the weight limit. So, I’m guessing that means he just has the extra ammunition lying around? There’s also another side to this.

Our 900-hour user believes he may have been caught trading with his secondary account. That would provide a loophole, a way to get around Fallout 76 inventory limits, but maybe not a loophole around the terms of service. But if that’s the only offense, it doesn’t really bode well for either party. The in-game grind has already been criticized for its repetitiveness and lack of creativity. That would be especially true if someone’s ground through 900 hours of gameplay.

Bethesda encouraged the player to open a ticket. Nevertheless, if even the most dedicated Fallout 76 player can get banned so easily, Bethesda may find themselves setting fire to their loyal fanbase… whatever remains.