We Found Love in a Desolate Wasteland: Fallout 76 Wedding Ceremony

Love and Marriage, They Go Together Like Radiation and Ghouls

There may be little love for Fallout 76, but nothing brings people together like a wedding. On January 2nd, two users were brought together to have and to hold on their server โ€™til deletion do they part. They each took a series of 1s and 0s as their digitally wedded spouse. An announcement on Twitter was made by one of the newlyweds. The Fallout 76 wedding took place at the Mothman Museum and was officiated by an in-game friend of the couple, who dressed up in Nuka-Cola power armour.

Fallout 76 Wedding

Since Fallout 76 is relatively new and famously unpopular, this story grabbed the interest of many. Some asked if the wedding was just a fun thing to do in the wasteland or if it was a real thing. The answer is both. In a reply, the couple announced that they were already married IRL, but they had not done a traditional ceremony or held a sweet party, just signed the official documents. Its sweet that the two could pledge to be with one another forever, even if it is in Fallout 76. Itโ€™s like of like getting married in Vegas, except Iโ€™ve heard that people have had fun in Vegas.

Now, they may not have been married by an Elvis impersonator, but there was a guy in Nuka-Cola power armour. Thatโ€™s something. They even joked that the wedding was sponsored by Nuka-Cola. There has been no confirmation from any Nuka-Cola executives, however. Probably because itโ€™s a fictional company whose fictional executives died about two hundred years before the game takes place. Stay tuned for further developments on that. The player in the armour did find actual in-game wedding rings for the couple and organized the event. Pretty nice of him considering the potential costs of real weddings.

What do you have to say about this wedding? Let us know in the comments and be sure to keep up to date with all our Fallout 76 news on our site. And from COGConnected, congratulations to the happy couple.

Source: VGR