Disco Dodgeball Remix Coming to Consoles This Month

Itโ€™s Like a Dance Party With More Concussions!

Some years ago, Erik Asmussen released Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball on PC. Now, him and Zen Studios are teaming up to bring Disco Dodgeball Remix to consoles. For the record, this version still features robots, wheels and derby-like action. Donโ€™t forget the disco!

Disco Dodgeball Remix

If youโ€™ve never played it, Disco Dodgeball involves piloting one-wheeled robots around a crazy neon arena while performing fatal trick shots with glowing dodgeballs. Thereโ€™s a variety of single player challenges to mess about with, along with local and online multiplayer. The single player also features a progression system, bosses to fight and powers to unlock. Plus, the game features a monster truck-style announcer who lets you know whenever youโ€™ve done something sufficiently rad.

Curious players will be able to check out Disco Dodgeball Remix on either PS4, Xbox One or the Nintendo Switch. As this is a tiny title made by one dedicated dude, you know what that means: yet another indie game is due to be absorbed by the Nintendo Switchโ€™s slimy tentacles! Soon, all indie game that exist will be on this portable hybrid system! You can check out the trailer embedded below for a better idea of what this gameโ€™s all about.

SOURCE: Press Release