The Latest Monster Hunter World Update Arrives Very Soon
In staying true to their promise of ongoing support, Capcom has revealed yet another update for Monster Hunter World. Going on now, we have the Spring Blossom Fest where players can hunt for new in-game rewards. Coming soon, we shall have a new monster in the form of the Kulve Taroth.
Apparently, the Kulve Taroth represents Monster Hunter World’s next Elder Dragon, bringing the total count to 7. But unlike any monster to date, the Kulve Taroth Siege update requires the participation of every player in the Gathering Hub. A total of 16 players must unite in limited-time quests to track, crack, and slay the incomparable beast. Just like Xeno’jiva and Zorah Magdaros, quests will expend with use and time must pass before another quest appears on the board.
And as with every big monster update, the inclusion of a new monster brings entirely new upgrades to every weapon tree. That’s a total of 14 new weapons deviations with alternate states and upgrade capabilities. In addition, players will gain access to two new armor sets, with a third available for Palicos. The only question now is, how difficult will the Kulve Taroth be?
Monster Hunter World is available now for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Kulve Taroth was just announced today, April 17, and will be available on April 18 at 8 p.m. EDT. Thus, players can rejoice at the lack of a wait time.Check back for more game updates as time goes by. Warning: the siege event will last for a limited time, but Capcom promises it will return.
Happy gaming.