Not All Is Well Behind the Scenes of the Streaming Service
Twitch, the great medium of user content, has suffered immense lay-offs as the result of a seemingly whimsical decision. A total of 25 people were let go, according to Rod Breslau. Community and marketing teamed suffered the brunt of the impact.
The company’s reasoning for the sudden layoffs comes down to initial “overhiring,” which entailed the need for changes. According to Breslau, however, the new VP of Content Michael Aragon informed people of their termination remotely, via Google Hangouts. Employees were told to clear out immediately. Now, morale at the company is at “an all-time low.” One employee even claimed that they were “Amazon’d,” which is a direct reference to the company that purchased back in 2016.
To Breslau, it doesn’t make sense that Twitch’s Motto is “Creators First” when the company just kicked out the people who helped build it. Does this sound like a hypocritical move to you? Let us know in the comments below. This is essentially an unfolding story, and we’ll keep you updated if there’s any feedback as time goes by.
“Creators first” is Twitch’s core mandate and values, the center of “everything [they] do”. And they literally just let go of their own creators first. For a company built on those who build their streams, Twitch can’t even care about their own employee creators.
— Rod Breslau (@Slasher) March 30, 2018
SOURCE: PlayStation Lifestyle