Spooky Mysteries Set During An Average Canadian Winter
I feel like Iโve made this joke before, but Iโll never get tired of humble-bragging about how badass most Canadians are for surviving the winters we do on a regular basis. Itโs just a little cold, you guys. Surely nothing to declare the end of modern civilization over. KONA, a mystery game (and Canadian Winter Simulator) set in the midst of a Northern Canadian blizzard, is out right now on the Nintendo Switch.
Set in Northern Quebec in 1970, KONA focuses on detective Carl Fauberet as he investigates the goings-on in an eerie little village. There will be a host of strange events to check out, as well as some rather serious elements to battle. Yes, I joke about the weather, but it can quite easily kill you if youโre unprepared.
Featuring the musical stylings of an actual Quebecois folk band along with some pretty convincing retro visuals, KONA looks like a more or less complete slice of life in the most unforgiving part of Northern Canada. Having survived a savage winter or two myself, I can say with some authority that theyโre nothing to sneeze at. Grab a sweater and check out the launch trailer below!
SOURCE: Press Release