Yakuza 6 Demo Gets Pulled After Players Realized It Was the Full Game

SEGA is Looking Into the Nature of the Issue

SEGA has pulled the Yakuza 6: The Song of Life demo from PSN following reports that players were able to play past the opening prologue.

Yakuza 6 main screen

SEGA promptly blocked the demo from the North American region after they realized their own mistake. The demo, a whopping 36 GB, was always intended to include the full game but to only allow the prologue to be accessible. The idea was that players would simply have to buy an unlock key if they liked the game since all of the data would already be installed.

Users quickly found out that SEGAโ€™s own gate-locking mechanisms werenโ€™t properly in place, meaning they could easily be bypassed to access the rest of the game. Players were able to unlock trophies as well. Essentially, SEGA released the full game for free.

โ€œWe apologize, but have had to remove the Yakuza 6: The Song of Life demo from the PlayStation Store,โ€ SEGA said in a tweet, โ€œWe are as upset as you are, and had hoped to have this demo available for everyone today. We discovered that some were able to use the demo to unlock the full game. Weโ€™re looking into the nature of the issue. Thank you for your patience.โ€

SEGA has begun looking into the nature of the issue.

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life is the latest game in the long-running Yakuza series. It was originally slated to be released on March 20th but was delayed April 17th. The game was released in Japan late last year.

Itโ€™s unfortunate that something like this had to happen as weโ€™re sure many of you were excited to try the demo. Hopefully, SEGA can sort out the problem quickly. Weโ€™ll keep you posted once we hear more.