Steam’s Best-Selling Games Include PUBG and Divinity: Original Sin 2

Some of the Usual PC Suspects

2017 was a wonderful year for video games, no doubt about that, so now’s the time to reflect on Steam’s best sellers. You may already know who they are. The biggest names include none other than ARK: Survival EvolvedDivinity: Original Sin 2 and, of course, PUBG (PLAYERUNKNOWN’s Battlegrounds).

But in reality, we the players are the winners. Out of all the great games that released this year, Steam has ranked the top 100/the most played. Titles are ranked according to the revenue earned, meaning the creators made bank. Other great names besides the aforementioned titles include DOTA2Warframe, Rocket League, Grand Theft Auto V, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Call of Duty WWII, and Assassin’s Creed: Origins.

You can find Steam’s Platinum List of games down below. If you’re familiar with all of them, then it’s probably because they’re all the rage in the online sphere.

Did any of your favorites make the list? What was your best game of 2017? Let us know in the comments down below. If you’re curious about the other side of the spectrum, you can check out our “Top 10 Most Disappointing Games of 2017.”

Happy gaming.