Season Two of Netflix Castlevania Series Coming This Summer

Eight Episodes of Excellent Vampire Action Incoming

Maybe this isn’t a complete surprise, but it’s still quite pleasant to have confirmed: the second season of the Netflix Castlevania series is coming this summer, with eight episodes. That’s double the bloody, high-powered vampire action over last season!

Netflix Castlevania

Warren Ellis, the show’s writer, confirmed both the episode count and the release window in a recent tweet. While there had previously been a confirmation of a second season for the video game adaptation, the release window hadn’t been confirmed until yesterday. Soon we’ll have a full-sized adventure to binge on, hopefully with even more action than season one.

Although generally well-received, the Netflix series was met with a few criticisms. Mostly, people just wanted more, I think? Yes, there were a few minor issues with the plot and the amount of information vs the amount of action. On top of that it’s just hard to cram a satisfying arc into such a restricted space. Eight episodes seems to be the Netflix magic number, though. Any more than that and you tend to end up with filler episodes. Don’t be afraid to cut out that extraneous content, you guys. We really don’t need an entire episode of backstory that adds nothing to the present narrative arc.