Bizarre Puzzle Game Fearful Symmetry And The Cursed Prince Out Now

Break Your Brain Against This One Today

Puzzle games are great, but wouldnโ€™t they be better if they forced you to juggle two separate control schemes in a complex dance that twists your brain like pretzel dough? No? Well, too bad. Fearful Symmetry And The Cursed Prince, that exact variety of puzzle game, is out now.

Fearful Symmetry And The Cursed Prince

In this game, youโ€™re controlling two characters in two different worlds with opposite control schemes at the same time. So, one goes up and the other moves down. You have to navigate two separate sets of traps and enemies in order to get each character to safety in every stage. Simple, right? Well, maybe not even a little bit. But solving such a complex puzzle comes with an equally satisfying sense of accomplishment, so thereโ€™s that.

You can play Fearful Symmetry on either Xbox One or PC. Itโ€™s out right this second, so any curiosity Iโ€™ve generated can be sated immediately after finishing this article. For a better idea as to what the game looks like in action, you can check out the trailer below. Just the sight of two characters moving in opposite unison makes my brain hurt a little, but how else will you save these two from certain doom?

SOURCE: Press Release