Steam Witnesses Record-Breaking 17 Million Concurrent Users

Over 17.5 People Used the Platform at Onceโ€ฆ At Once

Steam is the name thatโ€™s practically become synonymous with PC because PC has become synonymous with hardcore gamers. Well, those gamers were out in full force yesterday. As recorded by Valve, over record-breaking 17 million users were online at once, using the platform for whatever reason.

Steam Greenlight Steam Bundle

2017 has been a big year for Steam, especially with the smash hit that has been PLAYERUNKNOWNโ€™s Battlegrounds. This eventually led to 15 million concurrent users in September, 16 million in October, and 17 million in November, reaching a new high of 17,686,886 players. 6.9 million of those users were playing games, too. Nearly 3 million of them participated in PUBG.

Of course, what helped draw many of those users were the magnificent Black Friday deals. Thatโ€™s the assumption, at least, because gamers flock to deals like white on rice. Therefore, itโ€™s very likely the numbers will die down after this week. Inversely, the cascade of deals will more than likely see even more PUBG players, so expect it to break 3 million concurrent users in December.

You can still discover the Steam Autumn Sale before it dies next week. The sale includes thousands of games, some of them good. And the deals go higher than 80% off, so you can go ahead and participate in Valveโ€™s data count by visiting the page here.

Happy gaming.

PC Gamer