Razer Unleashing a Badass MOBA/MMO Mouse Later This Year

Pairs Well With Their Upcoming Keypad For a Robust Yet Hardcore Gaming Experience

Perhaps you have someone in your life with an unparalleled dedication to the world of gaming. Maybe that someone is you? If you (or your holiday shopping target) has a particular focus on the MOBA/MMO genres, Razerโ€™s upcoming holiday releases may be just what you were looking for.

Razer MOBA/MMO Gaming Keypad

First up is the Naga Trinity, so named due to the interchangeable button setup on the mouseโ€™s side. Each of the three button plates is designed for a certain kind of game. Youโ€™ve got two buttons for your regular games, seven buttons for your MOBAs, and twelve(!) buttons for all the MMOs. Good god! Iโ€™m sure that such a configuration becomes second nature after enough practice, but my clunky old thumbs have a hard time differentiating between three side buttons, let alone twelve. Do you have to endure a Karate Kid-style training montage before being able to make this work? I hope so.

The other pretty little peripheral coming your way is the Tartarus V2. If the thought of molesting your mouse to the tune of twelve separate inputs gives you hand cramps, perhaps this will be a bit more palatable? Simply program all your most important input commands into the 24 available keys and youโ€™re ready to rock. Plus thereโ€™s a d-pad and what looks like an old-fashioned foot-pedal. Although really, that ubiquitous button below the d-pad will function in whatever fashion you need it to. A space bar, maybe? While Iโ€™m somewhat intimidated by this one, the thought of using the Tartarus for games is a bit more feasible than slapping twelve buttons on the side of a mouse. Whatever youโ€™re inclinations regarding sick glowing peripherals, both of these products will be available later this year on Razerโ€™s own site.

SOURCE: Press Release