Sledgehammer Games Director Responds to Call of Duty WWII Feedback

Useful Changes Are Coming to COD WWII Multiplayer

Many multiplayer-focused games are harrowed by a rocky launch in some regard, and Call of Duty WWII is no exception. That being the case, some users have laid out critiques; namely, YouTuber NerosCinemo, who discusses the shotguns, footstep audio, Domination game mode, and more.

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The video in question, titled โ€œDear Sledgehammer Gamesโ€ฆโ€, suggests boosting the points for kills. Currently, it is set at 50, which many users find dismal. It means 10 kills are required before a UAV can be called in. To get even more hypothetical, the video mentions that a V2 Rocket killstreak can be managed before someone reaches a ball gunner scorestreak. Of course, people are pissed off.

Call of Duty WWII game director, Michael Condrey, has looked at the critiques and responded. According to him, the โ€œdataโ€ says players prefer Domination the way it is. And dataโ€”as you are undoubtedly awareโ€”is data. You donโ€™t mess with it.

Condrey did take into account the issue with shotguns, however, and admits that they are underpowered. Therefore, there will be a buff sometime in the future. Another change shall be made pertaining footsteps. In-game, they are too loud and reveal player locations with better headphones. It explains why the Mountain Divisionโ€™s ability to silence footsteps is extremely useful right now.

Call of Duty WWII is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Our in-depth review is available for your perusal.