The Mummy Demastered Comes Out Today

The Mummy Demastered Comes to All Major Platforms

WayForward is releasing the 16-bit Metroidvania loose take on this summer’s Mummy film, The Mummy Demastered today on PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and PC. As mentioned before, there’s no Tom Cruise here, and it looks surprisingly good for a Mummy game. But, it’s no surprise when you look at the developer WayForward, a studio that has made their name developing Shantae series and other retro-styled games.

The Mummy Demastered

Some outlets have already given the game glowing reviews. While some of the critics say the game doesn’t move the needle for an increasingly overdone genre, I do like the refreshing aesthetic juxtaposition between the modern weapons and mystical monsters. One of the main differences is in its death mechanic that will have you facing off against your corpse that carries the gear you had on during death. That said, it’s got the map exploration and new traversal abilities that are core to the genre as well. And, of course, WayPoint should be applauded for making a good game from a pretty fallen IP. Check out the launch trailer below to see more of what WayPoint’s cooking.

The Mummy Demastered costs $19.99 if you’re looking to squeeze in some Metroidvania action this fall. Here’s hoping we’ll get some Brendan Fraser DLC down the road.