SuperMaryFace is One of the Hottest Cosplayers in the World But There is One Problem

Naturally, she took a break from cosplay due to her pregnancy and the arrival of her newborn. Yet at the same time, many of her “fans” turned on her and accused her of lying. As with most of these trolls, the insults turned nasty. So we would not be surprised if it became a bit much for her.

Back in July, she stated: “My future cosplay goals can be summed up in three words: Quality Over Quantity. That means bigger, more intense builds that’ll force me out of my comfort zone and really challenge me as a cosplayer. I want to get better at sewing, painting, working with foam and worbla, making wigs, doing makeup, everything! I want to LEARN things!”

Okay, SuperMaryFace, it’s been awhile and we cannot wait to see you come back!

SuperMaryFace Cosplay 7

SuperMaryFace Cosplay 7

SuperMaryFace Cosplay 8

Click on to PAGE 4 for the final images…