Nintendo Switch Slowly Becoming a Retro Arcade Machine

Mario Bros and Other Arcade Classics On the Way

The Nintendo Direct news train chugs on! Next on the docket is Nintendoโ€™s answer to a question we hadnโ€™t thought to ask. Namely, when are we going to get to play those retro arcade machine classics of yours? Turns out the first one, Mario Bros, is coming to the Switch on September 27th. So soon!

Nintendo Retro Arcade Machine

While most fans have at least a passing familiarity with the NES days, fewer people have any experience with Nintendoโ€™s arcade offerings of old. Unless you grew up somewhere that had these machines tucked away and fully operational, a rec center for example, itโ€™s unlikely youโ€™ve ever played these games before. This is Nintendoโ€™s way of re-introducing players to another facet of the gaming giantโ€™s humble roots.

Mario Bros is only the first game to hit the Switch, with more titles on the way. Other games scheduled for eventual release include VS Super Mario Bros, VS Ice Climber, VS Balloon Fight, VS Clu Clu Land and Punch Out!! Between these games and what appears to be the entire Neo Geo library, the Nintendo Switch is slowly but surely turning into an arcade machine from the early 90s.