A Bunch of Nicalis Titles Being Ported to the Switch

Single Teaser Image Packed With Joy, Wonder and Terrible Frustration

Developer Nicalis has broadcast a single image on Twitter teasing the five games they’ll be porting to the Nintendo Switch. They’re all a bit on the blurry side, but sharper minds than mine have already solved a few of these mysteries.

Nicalis Switch Games

So far, it looks like VVVVV, 1001 Spikes and Code of Princess are discernible among the heavy pixelation on display. There’s two more titles to discover, but we’ll figure it out soon enough. Regardless of what those mystery games are, they’ll be pretty good, right? Nicalis are fresh enough that their whole roster is pretty solid.

In the meanwhile, how rad is it that the Switch is getting VVVVV? Sure, the game is so hard as to give you nosebleeds, but the design philosophy at work is rock-solid. Code of Princess didn’t get as high of a collective review score, but that one is a bit more niche than the rest of their library. Call me crazy, but I think it’ll find a proper home on the Switch. We’ve got no other information on these upcoming titles so far, but we’ll be sure to keep you current as new details emerge.