Behold Egypt’s Worst Enemy in Assassin’s Creed Origins
Ubisoft is treating us to a look at the enemies we will be facing in Assassin’s Creed Origins. Basically, we have the replacement for the Templars in the form of a new secret society. To kick things off, the company released a new live-action trailer to increase the creep factor. View it down below.
With our nice intro out of the way, we are fully introduced to The Order of the Ancients. Judging by the next trailer, it looks like Assassin’s Creed Origins will delve into the supernatural. If not magic, Ubisoft will probably create cut-scenes induced by Bayek’s hallucinations. However, it wouldn’t be the first time the franchise dabbled with magical elements. See what I’m talking about in the footage below.
Furthermore, combat looks as intense as ever. But, that may be a result of the fundamental changes Ubisoft has implemented over past games. If you’re looking for more insight into Origins gameplay, you can view our hands-on preview of the immaculate RPG.
Also worth mentioning: Assassin’s Creed Origins is part of PlayStation Store’s “Day 1 Digital” sale where if you pre-order/buy two new games, the next is 20% off. Discover it on October 27, 2017, for Xbox One, PC, and PS4.
Happy gaming.