Xbox One X Pre-Order Details to Be Released at Gamescom, Tied with GameStop

GameStop is Really Excited About Xbox One X Pre-order Info, They Already Branded Their Site

Microsoft will finally offer Xbox One X pre-order details tomorrow, during their Gamescom stream. And GameStop is chomping at the bit so much, their website is plastered with the following message:

“Visit to tune in to Xbox at gamescom live stream for exciting Xbox One X pre-order details, on August 20, 2PM CT. Exclusive GameStop Trade offer announcements to follow.”

Xbox One X pre-order details

GameStop will have exclusive trade-in offers allowing customers to bring in their old console to buy an Xbox One X at a discount. And this isn’t limited to an Xbox One for an Xbox One X; people could bring in Playstation 4, Wii U, hell if someone wanted to bring in a Switch for no reason, GameStop would take it and apply store credit towards the purchase of an Xbox One X. A similar program was offered last year when the Xbox One S launched, which we can look at for possible trade-in value: $200 in credit for trading a PlayStation 4 console, $150 for trading an Xbox One and $100 for a New 3DS XL or Nintendo Wii U.

But what if people start coming in with PS4 Pro’s and Switch’s? Chances are the trade-in value will be higher, but we have no way to approximate the credit.

Microsoft’s Xbox One X is due to launch on November 7th, priced at $499. Crackdown 3 was supposed to launch on the same day, but it was just delayed to Spring 2018.

The Xbox One X is the new boss hog and have-to-have this fall. The question is: are you willing to cannibalize your other consoles to get it?