Arms For Nintendo Switch Sold Surprisingly Well First Week at Retail

Arms Selling Very Well, So Far

Arms is indeed a game that could have only come from Nintendo. Itโ€™s bright, colorful, fun for all ages and has that charm Nintendo games deliver decade after decade. Today, we learned that the game that features a fantastic set of characters and features a ton of depth sold quite well during its first week at retail.

Specifically, the fighting game from Nintendo sold 418,483 units during its first week at retail, according to VGChartz. The first week of sales can be viewed on the VGChartz Global Weekly Chart for the week ending June 17. Breaking down the sales by region, the game sold best in the US with 183,864 units sold (44%), compared to 120,461 units sold in Japan (29%) and 69,815 units sold in Europe (17%). Looking more closely at Europe, the game sold an estimated 11,764 units in the UK, 15,346 units in Germany, and 21,038 units in France.

Arms Review

Arms released for the Nintendo Switch worldwide on June 16.

When our man Rory reviewed the game he said:

โ€œOverall, ARMS is a great package, subverting and exceeding most of my expectations while offering modes of play that cater to a variety of players. The offline Grand Prix mode leaves much to be desired, and the 2 v 2 tethered fights are lame, but all that is made up for by an assortment of other entertaining modes, slick online lobbies and surprisingly deep and addictive gameplay. At the end of the day, itโ€™s all about having fun, and ARMS provides that in spades.โ€