In This New Steam Game, It’s Totally Acceptable to Poop on Your Friends
This new Steam game, literally titled SOYF: S#!T ON YOUR FRIENDS, makes it totally acceptable to poop on your friends in the name of competitive sport. SOYF is a party game with an unsanitary twist. Described as “The party game nobody asked for, but everybody needs,” the local multiplayer brawler pits 2-4 players against each other in an aerial excrement face-off. Each player starts out by selecting which totally adorable fighter they choose to battle with, and then, the pooping commences.
In a Super Smash Bros. style, SOYF: S#!T ON YOUR FRIENDS puts a S#!TTY spin on competitive brawlers. Filled with familiar faces and crossover characters such as guest appearances by Kinda Funny‘s Greg Miller, Isaac from The Binding of Isaac, Fish from Nuclear Throne and Puglie Pug, players can engage in a crappy sport with both their friends and their favorite video game pop culture icons. So, basically, if you’ve been waiting for the opportunity to poop all over Greg Miller, now’s your chance.
Game modes include both a variety of classic couch co-op multiplayer and single player modes. In Classic Game mode, up to 4 players compete in 3 rounds of crappy fighting to declare their ultimate glory as the poop champ. In Dingle Mode, each player races to the top of an obstacle, but gets heavier with the more S#!T they get on them, dragging them from victory as the last S#!TTER standing wins. 1S#!TKill Mode takes down the first player to get S#!T on, while Single Player Target Challenges allow for players to practice their aim on their own in a single player shooting gallery.
SOYF: S#!T ON YOUR FRIENDS is currently available for Windows PC and Mac for $9.99 via Steam. Check out the trailer for the game in the video below!: