If You’ve Pre-ordered the Game, You Can Preload Destiny 2 on PS4 on September 3rd
Hey Guardians, Destiny 2 will be ready for a preload on September 3rd, three days ahead of its September 6th launch date, for those who pre-ordered the game on PS4. If you’ve bought the Bungie shooter in advance, you can find this page by going to your library and clicking on purchases. From there, just find Destiny 2 and select the auto-download box so that it will begin downloading on September 3rd. Keep in mind, the Destiny 2 PS4 file size will be a whopping 68GB so it’s certainly wise to preload it so you can get in some more playtime at launch.
Besides that early preload date, Destiny 2 pre-order purchasers can also look forward to playing the game early via the beta tests on each platform with PS 4 on July 18 – 20. Xbox One on July 19 -20, and PC players will able to playtest the game in August.
As for Xbox One and PC preload dates? No official word yet, but we’ll update it once we learn more. Either way, fans are looking forward when it releases on September 6th for PS4 and Xbox One and October 24th for PC.