Battle an Evil Corporation’s Army in Archangel
No one here remembers the movie Robot Jox, right? You’re all too young for that. Well, let me give you a brief rundown: there’s giant robots and they fight. The pilots control these mechs with little tiny joysticks and a VR headset standing up. And now, in 2017 I am very proud to announce … WE HAVE ARRIVED. Archangel allows you to step into a robot and control it with two little sticks and a VR headset standing up. We’ve done it, congratulations my fellow scientists, what a milestone.
Archangel takes place in a post-apocalyptic America as players suit up in the cockpit of a six-story war machine to stop an evil corporation from taking over the country. Archangel is the first VR game from Skydance Interactive and it will officially launch in July for an exclusive two-week window on PSVR before it releases on other platforms.
Archangel, the first original title by Skydance Interactive (a subsidiary of Skydance Media, which should set off some bells if you watched World War Z or Star Trek Beyond), is an action-packed, story-driven shooter that was created exclusively for VR play. In the game, players are dropped into the cockpit of a six-story-high war-machine, a one-of-a-kind weapon that must stop a tyrannical corporation from taking over a post-apocalyptic America (okay, not the exact plot to Robot Jox, but pretty close!). Through stunningly detailed graphics, engaging storytelling techniques, and explosive action, Archangel delivers a complete VR gameplay experience (like Robot Jox, guys!).
From the trailer, your Archangel will face an army of the Corporation’s tanks, airships, fighter jets, and what appears to be a mecha-dog with cruise missiles. But you’re not defenseless; you’re armed with a shredding chaingun, missles, an energy shield and your damn dirty robofists. There’s potentially more in store, including a quick cut of what appears to be an Ultimo-boss fight. Okay, so the plot doesn’t really stick to Robot Jox, I just wanted to make sure everyone’s aware of Robot Jox, okay? Thank you for indulging me.
Archangel will be available on the leading VR platforms, including Oculus, Steam, Viveport, and Playstation. See the trailer below.