Nintendo Will Be Link-ing Their Zelda Franchise to Smartphones

Slowly but Surely, Nintendo Is Moving IPs to Mobile While Making Consoles Mobile

According to the Wall Street Journal, Nintendo will be giving their Zelda franchise the mobile treatment. Little is know thus far, but reports say the mobile Zelda will arrive after Animal Crossing later this year. With all the success Nintendo has had on the mobile platform, this move is no surprise.

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Unfortunately, thereโ€™s no news about what kind of game or pay structure weโ€™ll be looking at. Considering the properties weโ€™ve seen so farโ€“Pokemon GOFire Emblem: Heroesโ€“we can probably assume there will be an emphasis on paid rewards. Nonetheless, given the fun factor of Nintendo games, a Zelda mobile game may hook even more fans to the scene.

As for the source of these claims, The Wall Street Journal could only say it came from people  โ€œfamiliar with the matter.โ€ Therefore, we suspect something of a reveal at this yearโ€™s E3.

Would a Zelda mobile game tie into Nintendoโ€™s latest Breath of the Wild installment? Thereโ€™s plenty of speculation to be had. Until the reveal, feel free to comment your thoughts on Zelda hitting mobile. Do you think there will be any link (no pun intended) to console games? What kind of pay structure do you imagine? Let us know.

Happy gaming.