Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Reaches PlayStation 4 in New HD

Another Square Enix Classic Makes its Return on the PlayStation 4

Over ten years later, Square Enix has arrived with the remaster to a beloved installment of a beloved franchise. STAR OCEAN: Till the End of Time has arrived for the PlayStation 4, which means players can now relive the game in HD.

Star Ocean: Till End of Time

Just about everything but the image quality has stayed true to the original. Since the game was released in 2004, it was only available for the PlayStation 2. No longer. Anyone with a serious case of nostalgia can dive right back in and take advantage of some new features. These include trophy support, share functionality, and remote play.

Furthermore, to celebrate the re-release of STAR OCEAN: Till the End of Time, Producer Shuichi Kobayashi has delivered a special message to fans in a new video. You can find it below.

Additionally, you can check out the brand-new launch trailer showcasing gameplay.

The story begins in the year SD 772 as STAR OCEANโ€™s protagonist, Fayt brings his family and childhood friend Sophia to the Federation-managed resort planet Hyda for a long-deserved vacation. Their dreamy holiday turns into a nightmare when Hyda is attacked by an unknown space military. In the heat of the attack, Fayt is separated from Sophia and his family and begins an emotional quest into the unknown to find his loved ones.

Clearly, this HD port is a gift for nostalgic fans. Nonetheless, it could serve the perfect experience to introduce newcomers to the franchise. Find it on the PlayStation Store, today, for $20.99. And let us know your own thoughts on STAR OCEAN in the comments down below. Did you play the original release of Till the End of Time?

SOURCE: Press Release