Along with a New Hero, Paragon Shall See a Lot of Changes to Gameplay
Epic Games is bringing a whole package full of changes to Paragon next week. Among them, we’ll see the arrival of a new hero, Phase. Her special set of abilities will allow her to power up allies for all sorts of combat combos. You can see a preview of everything in her all-new announcement trailer below:
“Unleash your ally’s true potential with extraordinary abilities that can only be harnessed through the power of Phase. Link to your allies help them fight longer, harder and more fiercely than you ever thought possible.”
Starting May 16th, you’ll be able to enter the battle as Phase. Furthermore, next week bring all sorts of changes for several heroes. These include Kallari, Steel, Murdock, Shinbi, Greystone, The Fey, and Novaborn Greystone. Every change is meant to make certain characters more balanced and viable.
Epic Games is also making necessary changes to cards in order to reflect their intended direction for Paragon. You should start to see new balancing effects across the entire library.
To find the full list of release notes for Paragon‘s “Age of Intellect,” you can visit Since the changes are so vast, you can expect some serious reading.
Paragon is currently available for the PS4 and PC. Feel free to comment your thoughts on the upcoming changes in “Age of Intellect.” Are you looking forward to the new hero? Let us know.
SOURCE: Press Release