Overwatch Highlights a Highlight for Blizzard This Summer

Preserve Your Overwatch Highlights with Saving Feature

You ever perform a six-person kill streak with McCreeโ€™s โ€œHigh Noonโ€ and wanted to show everyone that youโ€™re the ultimate McCree ace? You get that sick wallie jump annoying circle run with Lucio, leaving those scrubs with bleeding ears? You sit in a corner like a straight up CHUMP with Bastion on the minigun and get a miraculous three-person kill streak because everyoneโ€™s tired of skirting around you? Keep that game running and never turn off your system, because as it stands now, thereโ€™s no way to save your Overwatch Highlights reel.

Currently, Overwatch saves your last five game Highlights and replaces each one with a new highlight the more you play. If you exit the game and come back, all Highlights are erased. Many players voiced their concerns early on, and have not forgotten about Blizzardโ€™s promise to improve how Highlights are managed. Neither has the gameโ€™s director, Jeff Kaplan. Kaplan was on the Battle.net forums and let the players know their concerns have been heard and theyโ€™re working on them:

โ€œThis is the current focus of the feature team (one of the smaller development strike teams on the Overwatch team). The team is working extremely hard on this and has been for months. Expect more details early this summer.โ€

Overwatch Highlights

Summer is fast approaching! That is, if Jeff is going by the celestial calendar, and his definition of summer is the solstice on June 22! But maybe because he used the qualifier of โ€œearly,โ€ we can expect something at the beginning of June, when the Spring Witch leaves the Cauldron of Seasons and the Summer Witch begins her watch! Itโ€™s very specific!

People have gone to great lengths to record their game footage, using third-party capture software on PC, and recorded game clips on console. But thirty seconds isnโ€™t enough to get the overall match and all the highlights in a nice, neat box. Letโ€™s hope Blizzard has an idea in store that will suit all the playersโ€™ needs!