Check out These Konami Japanese Recruitment Ads Featuring Nostalgic Favorites

These Konami Japanese Recruitment Ads Hit You with a Wave of Nostalgia, Featuring Fan Favorites Such as Castlevania, Contra, Metal Gear Solid, and More

A recent wave of Konami Japanese recruitment ads hit you with a wave of nostalgia, triggered by classic characters from Suikoden, Contra, Castlevania, LovePlus, Metal Gear Solid, and more. These can be seen featured across major Japanese media outlets, such as banner ads across websites and a two page spread in the popular Japanese gaming magazine the Weekly Famitsu.

Konami Japanese Recruitment Ads

Konami Japanese Recruitment Ads

Before Konamiโ€™s reputation began to diminish among fans for a variety of different reasons, such as unsettling and confusing news like abandoning console games and their dramatic falling out with Hideo Kojima, they were mostly well known among these fans for creating titles containing many beloved characters.

Many of the people who helped develop these titles are long gone from Konami, and a large amount of these famous game series have not been active in years. However, this doesnโ€™t stop Konami from being able to use these title game characters. Other than a simple recruitment advertisement, the pictures donโ€™t really dive into what Konami intends for the nostalgic character placement to represent, so whether theyโ€™re just product placement intended to trigger a job-seeking developerโ€™s heartstrings, or if theyโ€™re working on doing something big to bring back these titles, or both, is totally unknown for now.

What we do know are the job positions listed and what theyโ€™re looking for. The current openings are for Game Programmers, Designers, Planners, Network Engineers, Server Programmers, Scenario Writers, and developers with either home console or mobile experience.

Do you think Konami might be planning to go back to their roots through their classic title in an attempt to win back their veteran fan base after recent events? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!