Analysts Are Predicting the Next PlayStation Console Will Be Released in 2018

We Might See the Next Generation PlayStation Next Year

So weโ€™ve heard all about the release of the Project Scorpio, but what about the newest PlayStation consoleโ€ฆperhaps the PlayStation 5? Well one analyst, Damian Thong from Macquarie Capital Securities, expects Sony to release a their next generation console later next year!

playstation 5 top screen

If this analyst is right, weโ€™re looking at a new and exciting PlayStation console in approximately a year and a half! While analyst predictions donโ€™t always become real, however a reporter for the Wall Street Journal states that this is the same โ€œanalyst who correctly predicted PS4 Pro and Slimโ€ ahead of their reveals from Sony. Of course it is exciting that this prediction could hold some possible truth, although itโ€™s unlikely that Sony will make anything official any time soon. There is no idea about how long Sony will wait if this turns out to be true either, as the PS4 was announced nine months before release, and the PS4 Pro was announced two months before launch.

With the controversial console war in full swing, announcing a new PlayStation system in the next little while would certainly take some of the attention away from Microsoftโ€™s official reveal for the upcoming Project Scorpio. This could then have a positive effect on PS4 and PS4 Pro sales as well. Especially considering the tendency of the PlayStation to outsell the Xbox time and time again. With that being said, it could be too early to tease a new console, as Sony still very much holds the momentum in the sales department!

PlayStation Flash Sale

The Wall Street Journal doesnโ€™t expand on what Damian Thong believes this new system will look like or whether it will be titled the PlayStation 5. With the Scorpio set to launch at the end of this year, the newest PlayStation console, if this prediction is true, will obviously be compared! As the Scorpio will be able to play both Xbox 360 and Xbox One games, will the new system from Sony be able to play previous generation games as well? Weโ€™ll just have wait and see if what comes of this prediction!

Be sure to keep it locked for updates as they become available!