Nioh is About to Get Even More Challenging

Nioh Free Update Includes Ten New Missions

Koei Tecmo has announced that Nioh will receive an update with plenty of free content very soon. This includes the previously announced โ€œboss rush,โ€ bringing the difficulty to a whole new level. The update is already out in Japan, however, is only a matter of time before it hits our shores.

Included in this update are ten new missions, which you can access at different points of the story. Naturally, if you are in the post-game you can just access them through the Map Menu. Completing the missions will award players with titles and smithing texts.

New Missions (name might change when released in the west):

โ‘  Mission: Sword sisterโ€™s youngest brother Stage: Dojo
โ‘ก Mission: Transfer (mackerel) Stage: Dojo
โ‘ข Mission: Two shadows Stage: Iga
โ‘ฃ Mission: Iga Stream Stage: Iga
โ‘ค Mission: Amusementโ€™s entertainment Stage: Hieizan
โ‘ฅ Mission: The rest of the darkness Stage: Yin Yang Cave
โ‘ฆ Mission: Hyakkai Stage: Hieizan
โ‘ง Mission: Wandering and falling Stage: Ibuki
โ‘จ Mission: Lonely Sword Stage: Hades
โ‘ฉ Mission: Collection of crumbs Stage: Azuchi

Some new features and fixes have also been added to the game, including the much necessary in-game pause! You can now pause the game at any time (press โ€œOptionsโ€ to pause), except during Multiplayer Mode. Also, you now can collect up to 9999 smithing materials. Several other bug fixes and changes have been made, you can find the full rundown here (currently only available in Japanese).

Nioh is the latest masterpiece from Team Ninja, and one of the best PlayStation 4 exclusives this year. You can find our review here, spoilers alert, we loved it. Stay tuned to COGConnected for more on Nioh and all things PlayStation.