Heads Up, Assassin’s Creed Empire May Arrive in October

Meanwhile, Ubisoft Remains Very Quite about their next Game

While there has been no official word from Ubisoft, chances are Assassin’s Creed Empire will hit stores this October. A major Swiss gaming retailer, World of Games, has the game listed with a release date. Although it could just be a placeholder, it is not so farfetched.

Assassin's Creed Looking Back top screen

Ubisoft has been very hushed concerning any and all information regarding Assassin’s Creed Empire. After several major releases, this is probably been their longest interim of silence. Players had grown accustomed to hearing about the next Assassin’s Creed game within prompt windows. Undoubtedly, however, that is what contributed to franchise fatigue.  Specifically, we learn through Kotaku that Unity’s problematic launch led to biennial releases:

“One person familiar with Ubisoft’s upcoming gaming plans told me this afternoon that the decision to delay Empire from fall 2016 was made after 2014’s disappointing Unity, and that this bump will allow the development team more room to improve and polish the game. The source said this biennial approach could be a new trend for Assassin’s Creed, which has suffered from franchise fatigue in recent years.”

Thus far, we’ve delivered news on the latest title through rumors. Only rumors circulate the gaming sphere, like the in-game screenshot on Reddit which seemed to confirm an Egyptian setting. We hope to confirm, soon, the next setting, character, and story. And maybe we’ll be able to confirm that release date as October 2017. Since it will mark two years following the release of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, chances are high. Until then, fans have The Ezio Collection to tie themselves over.

Stay tuned for more of the latest news as it comes. Assassin’s Creed Empire is anticipated for release on PC, Xbox One, and PS4, with waited confirmation for Nintendo Switch. Happy gaming.