Oops, Someone Got the Official Nintendo Switch Earlier Than Expected

Someone Got an Official Nintendo Switch Earlier Than Expected and They Are Totally Happy to Show It off

A user over at NeoGaf who claims that theyโ€™re not a member of the media/press seems to have gotten the consumer version of the official Nintendo Switch console (not the dev kit) in their hands a bit earlier than expected, and theyโ€™re more than happy to show off the OS/UI. Check out the consumer version of the Nintendo Switch in the video below!

They canโ€™t play it, of course, since no games will be coming out for it until its launch on March 3, but you can still appreciate the sleek gray design (as opposed to the black dev kit design) and marvel at the digital interface.

How do you think the guy whoโ€™s waiting outside of the Nintendo World Store in NYC to be the first one to get his hands on the official consumer version of the Nintendo Switch feels about thisโ€ฆ?

official Nintendo Switch Specs