Nintendo Made an Exciting Confirmation, Stating That Splatoon 2 Will Support Voice Chat via Smart-Devices
Just because Splatoon 2 is launching this winter doesn’t mean that it’s too early to start rolling out exciting news. Nintendo gave us an exciting confirmation about the colorful sequel to its multiplayer third-person shooter game, letting us know that Splatoon 2 will support voice chat via smart-device, meaning that you’ll be able to jump on and chat away using your smartphone, tablet, or any other smart-device.
Nintendo did say that the Nintendo Switch would support voice chat via smart devices, but in a blurb about Splatoon 2, we got a solid confirmation that the upcoming 8-person multiplayer game would indeed support the chat feature. This was met with much excitement from western players, who have been requesting chat features for quite some time now. With a new realm of open communication, players who like to take Splatoon to a more competitive level certainly have quite a treat to look forward to when the game releases later this year.