BioWare: No Plans for Mass Effect Andromeda Scorpio or Switch Release

Not to say Mass Effect Andromeda on Either is Impossible

We are still a year away from Project Scorpioโ€™s release, but not so far from the next installation of Mass Effect. But in a recent interview with Stevivor, Andromedaโ€™s producer Michael Gamble explained that there were no plans currently underway for Mass Effect Andromeda Scorpio or Nintendo Switch versions. Current generation technology alone has allowed him and his team to innovate Mass Effect nonetheless. โ€œIt allows us to do amazing alien worlds with two suns, and weird blue moons, and all sorts of cool stuff,โ€ he said, commenting on what he and his team could accomplish with PS4 and Xbox One as they are.


Easy to understand why BioWare isnโ€™t placing much thought on Scorpio or Nintendo Switch. Prioritizing todayโ€™s console, no doubt, is their key to releasing Andromeda on time. But as for after its release, Gamble said, โ€œYou never know whatโ€™ll happen after that.โ€ No promises, no closed doors pertaining to Scorpio. The same, hither, is the case for Nintendo Switch. He did however mention that, when thinking about the impending PS4 Pro, their post-production team will look at โ€œthe strengths of the consoleโ€ to decide what game facets they may optimize.

Seems everything could come down to demand. Gamble suggests that a clamor for Mass Effect Andromeda on Nintendo Switch is likely to get some dev wheels in motion. And the same could probably be said about Scorpio, all of which might ultimately hinge on the gameโ€™s overall success.

Mass Effect Andromeda Scorpio

Mass Effect Andromeda will be out next year for all consoles and PC, nearly five years following Mass Effect 3. Spirits are high, and despite this installmentโ€™s independent storyline, players everywhere nostalgically await release. Concerning expectations, feel free to comment your thoughts down below. Happy holidays.