Age of Empires II: Third Expansion Release Date Announced

Age of Empires II: HD expansion has announced a release date and 4 brand new civilizations!

Microsoftโ€™s Age of Empires II is a real-time strategy classic. Now in this day and age of video game experiences, this might shock some of us. But itโ€™s true. Despite similar titles like Sid Meierโ€™s Civilization series giving it a run for its money, Age of Empires II has a large dedicated fanbase. So much so that back in April 2016, when ex-head of Microsoft, Bill Gates did an AMA on Reddit the top gold-winning comment was โ€œMr. Gates can we please have another Age of Empiresโ€ฆโ€.


Surprisingly Gates responded, asking how many civilizations would the fans of Reddit need. More noteworthy than that is the remastered Steam exclusive Age of Empires II: HD has announced the upcoming release of its third expansion DLC.

A whole 17 years after its initial release, the third DLC is called โ€œRise of the Rajaโ€ and is set to release December 19th. According to the Steam announcement, the expansion is set in Southeast Asia and will feature four new civilizations: the Burmese, Khmer, Malay, and Vietnamese. All four will have their own fully voice-acted campaigns, new maps, and new units. Guys, Battle Elephants!

Age of Empires II: HD

In addition, the Age of Empires II: HD team also promises more performance and balance fixes for the overall game. A recent post says that the team has been working with an open beta for months! As a result, they have now decreased the number of desyncs by 90%. This is good news for fans, multiplayer matches are going to be more stable and multiplayer restore has been added. So if you do lose a matchโ€™s progress to a desync, you can pick back up from where you left off.

So maybe there is room in playersโ€™ hearts for both Age of Empires and Civilization VI. Just a reminder the DLC is slated for release on December 19th via Steam. Therefore it requires the original game Age of Empires II: HD in order to play. Battle Elephants for everyone!