Fan Made ‘Stranger Things’ Game Released

Fan Made ‘Stranger Things’ Game Released

Before we go any further into this article if you haven’t watched the amazing Netflix mini-series Stranger Things yet, stop what you’re doing and go. Go right now and devour it as it’s some of the best TV we’ve had this year. An 80s inspired throwback it nailed everything from the setting, the costumes, the dialogue and most importantly the film style. It screamed eighties from top to bottom and received rave reviews, huge views and did it with next to no advertising. A true success story.

Being as good as it is it immediately developed legions of fans, many of whom expressed that an 8-bit game based on the series would be an amazing idea. While many fans chirped about it some other fans actually did it. The Stranger Things adventure game adopts a late 80s to early 90s aesthetic and is based mostly on the show’s first episode with a peppering of later episodes also thrown in. It is also careful to not spoil the show for anyone who has yet to see it but rather acts almost as an enhancer to the series. In fact, if you’ve seen a trailer for the show you’ve seen more than what the game will spoil for you.

Stranger Things Top Screen

Drawing immediate similarities to classics like Monkey Island and King’s Quest you tackle the game in classic adventure style with point n’ click navigation and dialogue screens to work through. It works exceedingly well and is essentially just a really fun way to get a bit more out of a series that was almost universally loved. Feel free to head over to InfamousQuests to grab a copy of Stranger Things for yourself.

If you’ve played the game we’d love to hear what you thought in the comments below!