Homefront: The Revolution Free This Weekend
Today, it was announced that Homefront: The Revolution is free this weekend on Steam, including the all new Resistance Mode missions which went live in last week’s patch which added new content and vastly improved performance in the game.
The performance patch added as significant boost to frame rates, GPU optimization, enemy spawning and more – including the two new Resistance Mode missions.
Full patch notes from that update can be found here: https://www.homefront-game.com/forum/index.php?forums/official-announcements-news.13/.
For fans who try and like it this weekend, the game is also on sale on Steam for 40 percent off: http://store.steampowered.com/app/223100/.
We reviewed the game back in May and said this:
Homefront: The Revolution has more problems than I can list, including some illogical design decisions I couldn’t wrap my head around. But it truly executes on some of the good ideas it presents, and redeems itself in its latter half to an extent. Sadly this is not enough to justify 15 to 20 hours of an underwhelming experience on the gameplay side, even with some decent characters and a semi-interesting plot. The Revolution fails to deliver anywhere near a solid gameplay experience and the technical problems only further drive it to mediocrity and worse.
Source: Press Release