Nuka-World’s No Disney Land, And We’re Ok With That
The final piece of Fallout 4’s Season Pass is nearing closer and closer, and all you wasteland wanderers will soon be able to see what lies behind the gates of Nuka-World. The massive park features a variety of factions warring for control of the entire park, and you’ll be able to explore it in all of it’s majesty on August 30th.
Nuka-World will feature new enemies, new weapons, and all sorts of areas to explore, such as Safari Adventure, the World of Refreshment, Dry Rock Gulch, Kiddie Kingdom, Galactic Zone, and Nuka-Town, USA. The trailer shows off a variety of new power armors as well, and what looks to be a pretty bad-ass variant of a Deathclaw. In true Bethesda Fashion though, it wouldn’t be a Fallout game without some silly weaponry as well, and there’s bound to be that in no short supply as well. The trailer shows off at least one new item, being an electrically charged ping-pong paddle, as well as what’s bound to be a variety of cola-themed weaponry.
Nuka-World can be purchased on its own for $19.99, but if you already got your hands on the Season Pass, then you’ll be able to download it right away when it actually launches on August 30th. Fallout 4’s certainly made an impact, and like past games in the series, it’s bound to be sticking around, whether you got burnt on it or not. Bottoms up, wastelanders!