I Am Setsuna Now Available For PS4 and PC

Gorgeous Title Release Today

For those who have been keeping their eyes on this one, they can finally stop watching their calendars and actually play it now! I Am Setsuna release today for PS4 and PC, and is looking to be one fantastic experience, for those who have been craving a hearty JRPG that hits all the right notes. I Am Setsuna comes from Tokyo RPG Factory, and with it being their debut title, we hope it ends up being a strong start for this new company.

For those who enjoy games with heavy hitting story elements, and that old-school charm that only Square Enix can muster when it comes to their RPG titles, theyโ€™d do well to check out I Am Setsuna. The title is a pleasing blend of both retro gameplay mechanics and modern design ideas, and itโ€™s been quite well-received, from those who had gotten their hands on the game already. The game follows Setsuna, a brave young woman who holds incredible strength, as she sets out to save the people of her homeland. The name of the heroine is derived from โ€œsetsunai, which conveys a deep sorrow, serving as the gameโ€™s main theme. The team at Tokyo RPG Factory really set out to help players understand this idea, and this somber trailer should help reinforce that humbling theme. Setsuna is one selfless warrior, and as you play the game, youโ€™ll be bound to find out just how much she is willing to sacrifice.

I Am Setsuna Big 5 Top Screen

I Am Setsuna can be purchased from either the PSN Store, or from the Steam page for $39.99 USD. Itโ€™s out right now. Itโ€™s been out since you started reading this post, so go pick it up if it intrigues you, and be sure to keep your eye on COGconnected for our review. Will this RPG live up to the hype? Weโ€™ll be sure to let you know!

SOURCE: Press Release