Fallout TV Series Revealed at Comic-Con

Fallout TV Series Revealed at Comic-Con

MechanicalCakeTV is a YouTuber who makes videos and series based on your favorite video game franchises. At San Diego Comic-Con this past weekend they lifted the lid off the latest of their creations a Fallout TV series. Now MechanicalCakeTV isnโ€™t affiliated with Bethesda in any way but their take on the Fallout franchise is really high-quality Titled Fallout: Revelations it is very likely the closest youโ€™ll get to an actual television series based on the Fallout franchise unless Bethesda suddenly decides to wander into the live action entertainment world. The first 15 minutes of the pilot were released and much like the independent web series Mortal Kombat: Legacy it is remarkably well done for something not officially endorsed by the creators.

The attention to detail is high so even hardcore fans of the Fallout universe should be able to appreciate this. What do you think, readers? If you liked it as much as we did you probably subscribed and are patiently (or not so patiently) awaiting the next installment. Tell us your thoughts down in the comments below!

Fallout tv series