Bump Off Busey With New Elusive Target Mission

New Hitman Mission Leaves Busey In 47โ€™s Sights

In what was one of the most out-of-nowhere fan votes, players of Hitman could vote for their next Elusive Target. The choice was between two Hollywood heavy hitters, being Gary Busey and Gary Cole. Fans could choose which Gary they wanted to off in a unique Elusive Target mission, rare contracts that are only active for a set period of time.

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Hitmanโ€™s reboot has to be quite enjoyable for the most part, and its nice to see the series return to its roots. These Elusive Target missions are an interesting addition to the main game, serving as a sort of recurring bit of content that is in place alongside the main title.

Fans have from July 21st until the 28th to take out Gary Busey, and while itโ€™s a bit disappointing to see Buseyโ€™s eclectic personality set the stage for a major story mission, itโ€™s still a good example of Square Enix and IO Interactiveโ€™s dedication to making this a Hitman title that fans can replay at their leisure. These additional bits of content are most welcome, considering just how quality the main episodes have been, and the stealth series has been in dire need of some love, thatโ€™s for sure.

Over the next 7 days, be sure to stop by Sapienza to pay Mr. Busey, aka The Wildcard a visit he wonโ€™t soon forget.

SOURCE: Press Release