Xbox One Slim Already in Production? Possibly Ready to Launch at E3

Xbox One Slim Looks To Be a Go

A few weeks ago Microsoft had everyone in a tizzy over a possible Xbox One and a half and a possibility of an Xbox One Slim. Rumors had one or both of these consoles debuting at E3 2016. Well, it seems that weโ€™re seeing that something being called the โ€˜Xbox One IIโ€™ has been in mass production since this past February. The timing of this would have units ready to go for E3โ€ฆ very likely one of those โ€˜available right nowโ€™ moments at the press conference.

Xbox One and Controller only for article on headsets

Timing also would indicate that this is more likely to be the slim model over that Xbox 1.5 that has everyoneโ€™s feathers ruffled. Itโ€™s certainly too soon to see any sort of fully new console at this time in the cycle.

According to a leaked (and translated) screen capture weโ€™re looking at 600~800g box which seems insane. That is approximately two pounds with the Xbox One coming in over seven. A big improvement, but an alarming difference. This would certainly point us in the direction of an Xbox One Slim. In terms of production, weโ€™re looking at 400,000 units per week equalling 1.2 million units a month so long as everything went smoothly. If Microsoft is looking to announce the Xbox One Slim at E3 they could very likely have almost 5 million units ready to go upon announcement.

Xbox One Slim Leak

For now we should probably keep this firmly locked into the rumor category but one plus one does usually equal twoโ€ฆ just sayinโ€™