Super Mario RPG Coming to Wii U in Time for Christmas … In Europe

If you loved the SNES or you just love RPGs, Santa has an unexpected treat for you coming soon. The awesome SNES game Super Mario RPG is apparently being fully ported onto the Wii U Virtual Console.

Plus, it’s apparently coming really, really, soon – as in, Christmas Eve, December 24th. 2015. Seriously.

super mario rpg

But don’t start popping the champagne just yet – It’s only available in Europe. We have no idea yet when, or even if, it will come to North America. For now, we’ll just have to keep wishing here on this side of the Atlantic.

Still, the fact that it is even coming to the Wii U at all gives us in the US and Canada hope that we will soon be collecting coins in this classic Square-developed RPG just like our cousins over there. Stay tuned for any more word.