Resolution Issues Continue to Hurt Xbox One, Need For Speed is 900p on Xbox One

According to a technical analysis video from NX Gamer, the Xbox One version of Need For Speed runs at 900p and suffers from occasional framerate dips.

While the Xbox One version is said to hit its target 30fps framerate “most of the time”, streaming issues with the game’s engine can result in “sudden dips and judders”.

“The frame rate and the performance is not as consistent as you would imagine or would have hoped,” NX Gamer’s video analysis says. “There are some serious dips down to lows of 25fps or 23fps at points. These tend to be loading/streaming issues and this is where the engine seems to suffer most.”

The issues are “by no means a show-stopper,” the analysis continues, “but generally while you’re driving around you’ll get these sudden dips and judders and you’ll just feel it all as you race. But it is completely removed from any frame-pacing issues we saw in [Need For Speed] Rivals and it delivers a smooth 30fps most of the time.”

Look for our Need for Speed review in the next couple of days.


It isn’t yet clear whether the PS4 version suffers the same issues or how its resolution compares to the Xbox One version.

Besides the framerate dips, though, the Xbox One’s versions visuals are said to be a “true step up” over 2013’s Need For Speed Rivals with impressive lighting, smoke and motion blur effects. To hear NX Gamer’s full analysis, check out the video below.

Need For Speed launches on PS4 and Xbox One this Thursday, November 5, with a PC version to follow in spring 2016.

Source: videogamer