Prison Architect 1.0 Breaks out of Early Access on October 6th

Introversion announced that the full version of Prison Architect 1.0 will be released on October 6th with a wealth of new content.


Taking to the stage at the UK’s biggest video game expo -EGX – at 2 p.m. this Saturday, September 26th will see the world reveal of Prison Architect’s brand new features and game modes by Introversion developers.

Prison Architec Featured
After shifting millions of copies during its three year sentence in Early Access, the gaming phenomenon Prison Architect will be released back into the world as a more fully featured and more grounded individual.

In this game, players build and manage their own maximum security prison, built to hold the most hardened of criminals. Since the launch of the alpha, Prison Architect has gone from strength to strength, seeing high praise from gaming press and eventually going on to gain a player base in the millions. Prison Architect is a gripping new take on the well-worn simulation genre, having enraptured gamers worldwide with a unique premise and engrossing narrative.