2K & Gearbox Release Battleborn’s Badass Infographic

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This morning we received a press release from 2K and Gearbox which stated the following:

“Gearbox Software has a team of artists that make Battleborn look pretty badass. But the colorful, Pixar-meets-Anime art style has admittedly distracted some folks from noticing the depth of this hero-shooter’s characters and gameplay. So naturally, as they tend to do, a team of crackpot math wizards at 2K and Gearbox set out to use numbers to demonstrate just how deep of a game people can expect to play when Battleborn drops on February 9, 2016.”

“It turns out, there’s more playable heroes in Battleborn at launch than Borderlands, Borderlands 2, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel combined even after DLC. Not only that, but you could pick five different variants of a single Battleborn hero and ship them to every country on Earth (196) and still have enough alternate versions left to fill the roster of more than three full basketball teams. Oh, and it doesn’t stop there … trust us.”

To help illustrate this, today 2K and Gearbox released the “Battleborn Badassery By The Numbers” Infographic.


Source: Press Release