Black Ops 3 Will See Your Pip Boy and Raise You a Fridge

With Fallout 4’s recent giveaway of a real live Pip Boy with pre-orders of Fallout 4, it seems the days of pre-order bonuses being crappy and useless are over.  Now, Black Ops 3 ups the ante with reports that pre-orders of the “Juggernog Edition” will get you a mini- refrigerator.

According to OpTic Gaming and GameInformer, the fridge features “light and audio from the game” and can hold 12 standard-sized cans.  Wow – at this rate, who knows, maybe we’ll get a working starship when we pre-order No Man’s Sky.  Here’s a picture that shows the promotional appliance, and a list of everything else in the notional pack:

If you are interested, the package costs $199.99 and is already available to order on Amazon and Best Buy.